What it means to be ACTIVE

Lock Arms For Life offers GET ACTIVE for Firearm Safety — a gun safety program for everyone.

Every Kid can be a Safety Superhero!

Save The Day, Lock it Away is a new graphic novel showing third through fifth graders what safe storage means, what it looks like, and what to do to stay safe. >

Lock Arms for Life: Our Mission

When not in use, firearms should be safely stored for everyone’s benefit.

Policy Education

A different kind of mission. For gun ownership — Against irresponsible firearm storage.

Help Spread the Message

Support the Lock Arms for Life movement with gear that tells our story. We’re out to change minds about gun storage…one at a time.

We Are FOR the 2nd Amendment!

We believe in the American right to bear arms. We also advocate responsible gun ownership.


Let’s have a dialogue about firearm safety:

Let’s all agree! — parents, the community, and students should work together for a common goal of safety. Let’s All GET ACTIVE for Firearm Safety — a gun safety program for everyone.

Please help spread the word! Take steps to help everyone — especially our children — be safe in a home or apartment that may have a handgun in it. Our mission is to help people empower themselves with responsible gun ownership. Please visit the websites below for more information. Thank you for helping to make Austin safer!


Hablemos de la seguridad con las armas de fuego:

Todos estamos de acuerdo: los padres, la comunidad y los estudiantes deben trabajar juntos hacia la meta común de seguridad. Vamos todos a ACTIVARNOS por la seguridad con las armas de fuego: un programa de seguridad con las armas para todos.

¡Por favor ayúdenos a correr la voz! Tome medidas para ayudar a todos, especialmente a nuestros niños, a estar seguros en una casa o apartamento que pueda tener un arma de fuego. Nuestra misión es ayudar a las personas a empoderarse siendo responsables con sus propias armas de fuego. Por favor visite los sitios web indicados abajo para obtener más información. ¡Gracias por ayudar a Austin a ser más segura!

What is Lock Arms for Life?

Our mission is to educate gun owners and community members about gun safety and practices and safe storage to save lives.

Based on a family tragedy, our founder Leesa Ross set out to change the narrative about firearms. She’s launched Lock Arms for Life, volunteers and experts dedicated to making gun ownership safer. Leesa lost her oldest son to a senseless handgun accident in 2009. Since then, she has been committed to finding a way to prevent gun accidents from injuring or killing unintended victims.

What Makes Lock Arms for Life Different?

Our call for change includes support for legal ownership of rifles and handguns. We want to end irresponsible and unsafe storage. The Lock Arms for Life initiative stresses that when not in use, firearms must be stored with practices that keep everyone safe — owners and non-owners alike.