We need to focus not only on our English-speaking communities, but also on our Spanish speakers. I get requests from many media outlets — the news website Reform Austin, Spectrum News, and Fox7Austin. But I also get requests from Spanish media platforms like Univision. Unfortunately, I never learned how to speak Spanish, but that didn’t stop me from finding someone who could.

Educating about gun safety is important for everyone. My Spanish speaking volunteer Catalina, like me, is a member of Austin’s Safe Kids coalition. When I reached out, she was happy to help.

A few weeks ago, Catalina was interviewed for a story about a teenager who killed her friend while at a pajama party. The teen joked around with her father’s fully loaded gun and accidentally shot her friend. Stories like these always remind me of my son Jon and how preventable these tragedies are.

Policía de Hutto emite órdenes de arresto por el caso de niña que murió tras ir a pijamada

Las autoridades emitieron una orden de arresto por homicidio involuntario para una menor de edad, y otra por delito menor de Clase A para su padre por hacer accesible un arma de fuego.

Thank you, Catalina Berry, for speaking to our Spanish community and reminding us to stay safe. Here’s video of the interview.

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