Use the Force for Gun Safety

Use the Force for Gun Safety

Don’t underestimate the force of gun safety. I feel like I’m in a Star Wars movie, joining forces to create a New Republic of gun safety. My groups weren’t frightened to join the rebellion, though. Just look around Austin and you will see you’re surrounded by the...
Reaching Out to Our Spanish Community

Reaching Out to Our Spanish Community

We need to focus not only on our English-speaking communities, but also on our Spanish speakers. I get requests from many media outlets — the news website Reform Austin, Spectrum News, and Fox7Austin. But I also get requests from Spanish media platforms like...
Who’s At Fault?

Who’s At Fault?

Who’s at fault when a gun accidentally kills someone? I asked that question too in my first book, At Close Range. My son Jon died in freak gun accident at a party in 2009. His story didn’t make national news. I recall after his death cutting out the small burb in the...
Teaching at tables is my target

Teaching at tables is my target

Ever since Jon died, sharing the message about gun safety has become personal. I never wanted to be an activist, and I’m not certain that I am one. If my story saves one person from death, then I’ve hit my target. My target is responsibility. We can all be...
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