Save The Day, Lock It Away

Every Kid can be a Safety Superhero when we teach them how!

Firearm injuries are the leading cause of death for children 1-19 in the United States, but politics can make it challenging, if not impossible, to talk about the basics of safety. Save The Day, Lock it Away is a new graphic novel showing third through fifth graders what safe storage means, what it looks like, and what to do to stay safe. Through vivid and memorable vignettes, young readers see peers learning about and practicing safe storage in relatable situations, including hunting, gaming, and spending time with friends.

Connecting with Kids

Whether parents, educators, doctors, or other caring adults feel comfortable talking about firearms, children in the United States grow up in a country with more guns than people. Ensuring kids know what to do before they are in harm’s way can prevent gun tragedies – literally saving lives.

Graphic novels tell visual stories, and are now the third highest selling genre of books (behind general fiction and romance). Save the Day, Lock it Away puts the concepts of safe storage into recognizable situations and a popular format.

About the Project

Lock Arms for Life received grant funding from the City of Austin Office of Violence Prevention to produce a graphic novel to raise awareness and educate about safe handling and storage. We are committed to keeping the book free for kids, raising funds to print copies for distribution through schools, libraries, hospitals, clinics, resource fairs, out-of-school programs, and civic groups. This page will link to a free e-book version as well as information about how to learn more and access locking devices.

If you want to help print and/or distribute this novel, please email for more information and to start the conversation.

This graphic novel is not a substitute for firearm handling training, but a starting place for kids to learn the basics.

Inspiration: Leesa Ross

Leesa Ross is a dedicated mother of three who transformed her personal tragedy into a mission to promote gun safety. After losing her oldest son, Jon, to a college-age handgun accident in 2009, Leesa channeled her grief into action. In 2018, Leesa founded Lock Arms for Life, a Central-Texas based nonprofit reducing gun tragedies by promoting safe storage through awareness, education, and resources. In her memoir, At Close Range, published by Texas Tech University Press in 2020, Leesa recounts how Jon’s accident during his college years profoundly changed her life and inspired her advocacy.

Author: Kim Caldwell

Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Kim Caldwell serves as the Chief of Staff for Lock Arms for Life, helping the organization grow to ensure every gun is locked when not in use. As a lifelong writer and reader, Kim is proud to have translated her own experience learning and talking to her daughters about safe storage into the stories featured in Save the Day, Lock it Away. Over the last 20 years, Kim has worked with dozens of nonprofits to advance their missions as a team member and/or consultant, focusing on values-based storytelling, strategic planning, fund development, cross-sector collaboration, and nonprofit board governance.

Illustrator: Sherwin Parayno

Sherwin Parayno is an Art Director and Designer, who loves to draw and paint in his spare time. He began his art career illustrating posters, dedication cards, and t-shirt designs for school fundraisers at the age of 14, and later attended San Diego State University where he studied Graphic Design. After graduating, he started his professional career as a Web Designer at a startup during the Dotcom boom. In 2008, his artwork was featured in various Nordstrom locations throughout the United States, which led to more creative opportunities. He has more than 22 years of experience working in various advertising agencies and in-house design studios as an Art Director and Designer. One of his bucket list items has always been to create a comic book. And now he gets to check that off his list!

Impressions from our early readers:

“I enjoyed reading the stories and seeing the art. As the mother of a young child, I felt challenged to start asking parents about guns before we go to playdates now. I can’t wait to see this project in print one day!”

— Debby Harris, MSIS — Blazier Intermediate Librarian

“Thank you for the fantastic and necessary work you are doing. Your unbiased approach is exactly what we need. The storylines are great, the scripts are modern, and the art is impeccable.”

— Daniel Bennett — Branch Manager, WaFd Bank

“Overall awesome work and can’t wait to see the end results!”

— Riley — College student & gun owner